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Load Testing Examples

Here are the examples of the Load Testing API with cURL and Python.


Change <API_KEY> with your API key. More.

Start a Load Test

curl --location '' \
--header 'X-API-KEY: <API_KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "Test 14",
"config_data": {
"steps": [
"id": 1,
"url": "",
"name": "Home Page",
"method": "POST",
"others": {
"h2": false,
"disable-redirect": false,
"disable-compression": false
"headers": {
"Test-Header":"Test Value",
"Test-Header2":"Test Value2"
"payload": "{\"id\": 24}",
"timeout": 15
"id": 2,
"url": "",
"name": "Servdown App",
"method": "GET",
"others": {
"h2": false,
"disable-redirect": false,
"disable-compression": false
"timeout": 15
"proxy_config": {
"US": 50,
"DE": 50
"iteration_count": 1000,
"load_type": "linear",
"duration": 20

Retrieve the details of the Load Test Plan

curl --location '$PLAN_ID/' \
--header 'X-API-KEY: <API_KEY>'

Create Environment

curl --location '' \
--header 'X-API-KEY: <API_KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "Test Environment Name 6",
"vars": [
{"key": "test_key_bool", "value": false},
{"key": "test_key_string", "value": "test_value_2"},
{"key": "test_key_number_int", "value": 15},
{"key": "test_key_number_float", "value": 15.2},
{"key": "test_key_array", "value": [14, 12, 15]}

Create Test Data

curl --location '' \
--header 'X-API-KEY: <API_KEY>' \
--form 'name="medals222"' \
--form 'file=@"/Users/test/medals.csv"' \
--form 'type="csv"' \
--form 'file_config="{
\"delimiter\": \";\",
\"vars\": {
\"0\": {
\"tag\": \"year\"
\"1\": {
\"tag\": \"city\"
\"2\": {
\"tag\": \"sport\"
\"5\": {
\"tag\": \"event\"
\"7\": {
\"tag\": \"medal\"
\"8\": {
\"tag\": \"no\"
\"allow_quota\": true,
\"order\": \"random\",
\"skip_first_line\": true,
\"skip_empty_line\": true

Test Result

Here is an example of a load testing result from test result endpoint:

<pre class="language-json" data-overflow="wrap"><code class="lang-json">{
"test_url": "",
<strong> "results": {
</strong> "steps": [
"id": 1,
"error_dist": {},
"fail_count": 0,
"location_dist": {
"DE": {
"error_dist": {},
"fail_count": 0,
"location_dist": {},
"success_count": 500,
"response_times": {
"avg": 26,
"max": 63,
"min": 19,
"p80": 29,
"p90": 33,
"p95": 37,
"p99": 56,
"median": 24,
"stddev": 6
"iteration_count": 500,
"status_code_dist": {
"405": 500
"US": {
"error_dist": {},
"fail_count": 0,
"location_dist": {},
"success_count": 500,
"response_times": {
"avg": 172,
"max": 201,
"min": 162,
"p80": 175,
"p90": 178,
"p95": 181,
"p99": 193,
"median": 171,
"stddev": 5
"iteration_count": 500,
"status_code_dist": {
"405": 500
"success_count": 1000,
"response_times": {
"avg": 99,
"max": 201,
"min": 19,
"p80": 172,
"p90": 175,
"p95": 178,
"p99": 189,
"median": 113,
"stddev": 73
"iteration_count": 1000,
"status_code_dist": {
"405": 1000
"id": 2,
"error_dist": {},
"fail_count": 0,
"location_dist": {
"DE": {
"error_dist": {},
"fail_count": 0,
"location_dist": {},
"success_count": 500,
"response_times": {
"avg": 48,
"max": 242,
"min": 35,
"p80": 51,
"p90": 57,
"p95": 70,
"p99": 131,
"median": 44,
"stddev": 17
"iteration_count": 500,
"status_code_dist": {
"200": 500
"US": {
"error_dist": {},
"fail_count": 0,
"location_dist": {},
"success_count": 500,
"response_times": {
"avg": 323,
"max": 807,
"min": 296,
"p80": 317,
"p90": 332,
"p95": 383,
"p99": 684,
"median": 307,
"stddev": 64
"iteration_count": 500,
"status_code_dist": {
"200": 500
"success_count": 1000,
"response_times": {
"avg": 186,
"max": 807,
"min": 35,
"p80": 309,
"p90": 317,
"p95": 332,
"p99": 678,
"median": 269,
"stddev": 145
"iteration_count": 1000,
"status_code_dist": {
"200": 1000
"fail_count": 0,
"location_dist": {
"DE": {
"fail_count": 0,
"success_count": 500,
"response_times": {
"avg": 37,
"max": 242,
"min": 19,
"p80": 46,
"p90": 52,
"p95": 59,
"p99": 96,
"median": 37,
"stddev": 17
"iteration_count": 500
"US": {
"fail_count": 0,
"success_count": 500,
"response_times": {
"avg": 247,
"max": 807,
"min": 162,
"p80": 309,
"p90": 317,
"p95": 332,
"p99": 678,
"median": 249,
"stddev": 88
"iteration_count": 500
"success_count": 1000,
"response_times": {
"avg": 142,
"max": 807,
"min": 19,
"p80": 303,
"p90": 309,
"p95": 317,
"p99": 400,
"median": 163,
"stddev": 122
"iteration_count": 1000

This load testing result shows the performance of a web application under load testing. The result is presented in JSON format and has two steps, each with two locations: DE and US.

The summary section gives an overview of the test results, which includes the success and fail count, response times, iteration count, and status code distribution for each step and location. The location_dist section shows the response times for each location, and the response_times section shows the average, maximum, minimum, and percentile response times for each step and location.

In general, the load testing result indicates that the web application's performance varies significantly across locations. Because the target server is located in Frankfurt (Germany), the response times in the US are generally higher than in DE, which indicates that the application is slower for users in the US. The status_code_dist shows that all requests in the test returned a status code of 405 in step 1 and 200 in step 2.

The test_url gives the Anteon Cloud test URL for detailed reporting using charts and tables.

Test Report
Anteon Cloud Test Report